Get a Sneak Peek of What TAA Has to Offer

Thank you for taking the time to check out a few of TAA's many benefits and services!

As a TAA member, you would gain access to even more resources, including upcoming webinars, textbook contract review grants and publication grants, and discounts on professional services from academic coaches, editors, attorneys, indexers and more. Learn how you can get informed, connected, involved, inspired, and funded. What TAA members have to say.

Join for only $30

Use coupon code TAA20 if you're a graduate student, and TAA70 if you are a published or aspiring textbook or academic author or industry professional, at checkout.

Guide to Making Time to Write

When you join, you'll also receive a complimentary ebook copy of Guide to Making Time to Write: 100+ Time & Productivity Management Tips for Textbook and Academic Authors.

On Demand Presentations

Beyond Productivity: How to Build a Joyful Writing Practice

Are you tired of feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or unconfident as a writer? Do you long to recover your love of inquiry and cultivate a joyful relationship with your writing? Michelle Boyd of InkWell Academic Writing Retreats explains why writing is so emotionally taxing, describe how scholars can use social writing to overcome their writing fears. Better understand your own barriers and have a step-by-step plan for implementing your personalized social writing strategy.

Getting Your Journal Article Published: Simple Steps to Success

Getting your research and academic work published in a peer review journal is essential to your career. The process seems difficult and mysterious, but it doesn't need to be that way. Publishing consultant John Bond shares practical steps for any aspiring writer and researcher to follow to go from idea and raw data to submitting a top quality manuscript for possible publication. Topics include: "Developing a plan and Timeline," "Determining a Target List of Potential Journals," "Writing and Editing Your Work," and "Understanding Journal Review the Decision Process." 

Templates & Samples 

Market Review Questionnaire Sample

This sample market review questionnaire, contributed by Lorraine Papazian-Boyce, author of ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: A Map for Success, contains two parts: a Text Description, which thanks the reviewers, includes a 1-2 paragraph summary of the conceptual approach, lists the number and names of sections, special features in the text, and supplemental features in the text; and a Reviewer Questionnaire containing 10 questions to ask to focus the reviewer on the content of the chapters.


Writing Matrix Template

This Word doc, contributed by Margarita Huerta, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational and Clinical Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, helps you keep a written record of what you are reading by helping you organize information and thoughts. Writing matrixes help synthesize, rather than just summarize what you've read.


eBook Downloads 

Revise & Resubmit: Strategies for Success

Revise and Resubmit

> Commit to Submit: 5 Steps to Journal Publishing Success
> Systematic Reviews: Avoiding the Common Pitfalls That Lead to Rejection
> What to Do When You Receive a Revise & Resubmit Decision
> Feedback: Ah, Just Right
> 3 Tips for Making Revision Decisions Based on Reviewer Comments


Tips for Successful Coauthoring

Tips for Successful Coauthoring

> What to consider before coauthoring
> Before entering a coauthoring relationship, sign a collaboration agreement
> 5 Textbook authors share advice on coauthoring relationships
> How to determine author order when collaborating with multiple authors
> Bringing in a coauthor requires 'reconstitution' of book project


Here's what TAA members have to say:

"Membership in TAA reminds us we are not alone in our efforts to improve our academic writing - there’s a whole community out there providing support and resources every step of the way. We are better writers because we belong to TAA!"
- Pat Goodson, Ph.D., Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, Founding Director of POWER Services (Promoting Outstanding Writing for Excellence in Research), and author of Becoming an Academic Writer: 50 Exercise for Paced, Productive and Powerful Writing

"TAA was exactly what I needed to assist me in succeeding with my project. I am now writing my second book. Thank you TAA!"
- Dr. Cassandra L. Baker, author of Key Tools of Writing and Research: A Guide for the Student Writer

"Since joining TAA, I have discovered numerous valuable suggestions and information through its newsletter and online materials, gained renewed inspiration for writing from belonging to a community dedicated to the mission of helping and encouraging writers, and made valuable connections and contacts at the annual conference. Joining TAA was one of the smartest career decisions I have made in recent years."
Kenneth Campbell, Professor of History, Monmouth University

"I sing the praises of TAA to my academic and author colleagues alike. As a TAA member, I have a community that understands the contributions and challenges of authors as well as access to an array of resources and opportunities that support and augment our work. Through TAA, I am better informed about how the changing publishing world impacts me as a current and future author. I look forward to the conference all year – the sessions, the mentoring, and the chance to greet familiar faces and meet new friends."
- Jamie Pope, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, Assistant Professor of Practice in Medicine, Health and Society, Vanderbilt University, Textbook author - Nutrition


Contact Kim Pawlak at [email protected] or (507) 459-1363.