TAA Committees
TAA conducts many mission and operational activities with the help of volunteers serving on Committees. Standing Committees are specified in the Bylaws but any TAA member can volunteer to serve on an Ad Hoc committee.
Interested in serving on a Committee? Contact TAA Executive Director Kim Pawlak at [email protected]
Standing Committees:
Executive Committee
Members of this committee are charged with guiding the Executive Director in the event that decisions must be made in the interim between Council meetings and meet on an as-needed basis. Committee members include the four TAA Council officers - President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary - plus the Immediate Past President and a Council Representative appointed by Council. It is chaired by the TAA Council President.
Finance Committee
Members of this committee are charged with overseeing the budget process and investment strategies of TAA. It is chaired by the TAA Council Treasurer and committee members include the TAA Council President, Executive Director, and other appointed Council members.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Approving investment changes
- Reviewing the 2024 TAA Budget for approval by the TAA Council
Governance Committee
Members of this committee oversee TAA elections by announcing the call for nominations, vetting nominees, determining the final slate and reviewing and approving the winners. Committee members include the TAA Council Vice President (chair), Immediate Past President, and one other representative appointed by Council.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Reviewing and recommending changes to the bylaws
- Reviewing and recommending changes to TAA Council documents including conflict of interest policies and roles and responsibilities
- Announcing the call for nominations for the 2024 TAA Council elections
Personnel Committee
This committee oversees TAA's hired staff compensation and benefits policies, and advises the Executive Director on personnel matters, including changes to personnel policies. Members are appointed by the TAA President.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Reviewing and making recommendations for changes to the personnel policies
Conference Committee
Members of this committee assist in all aspects of program planning for the TAA's annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference, including developing the Call for Session Proposals, and evaluating all session proposals to compose a balanced and high-quality program for attendees. Any member of TAA is eligible to serve on this committee.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Developing the Call for Session Proposals and approving the sessions for the 2024 TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring
Awards Committee
Members of this committee meet on as-needed basis to develop and vet nominees for induction into the Council of Fellows and review candidates for other TAA Council awards. They also review and approve the final slate of winners for the TAA Textbook Awards program. In addition, they advise and approve changes to awards' criteria. Two committee members must be Council of Fellows. Any member of TAA is eligible to serve on this committee.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Planning for the open nominations period for the 2024 Textbook Awards Program
- Reviewing the judges' ballots and determining the final list of winners
Members of this committee meet monthly to advise and provide recommendations to the TAA Council on matters affecting representation, opportunities, academic authoring in general, and equitable treatment of all TAA members with respect to their TAA benefits. The Committee works to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the organization at all levels as well as provide information and develop resources that aid members in their own professional endeavors. Any member of TAA is eligible to serve on this committee.
Recent activities of this committee include:
- Prepared and launched the 2024 Diversity Survey
Ad Hoc Committees:
AI Committee
This Committee was formed in June 2023 to help the association stay abreast of developments in artificial intelligence and its impact on textbook and academic authors and to share resources for members navigating AI tools. Meetings are on an as-needed basis.
Recent activities of this committee include:
Members of this committee oversee TAA's Grant program are responsible for establishing, maintaining, and revising as needed the policies that will govern TAA Grants. They also review all grant applications and make the final determinations about whether to issue grants. Meetings are on an as-needed basis.
Recent activities of this committee include:
Publishing Practices Committee
Members of this committee stay abreast of and communicate important developments in the textbook, academic, publishing, and legal communities that may have important ramifications for TAA members and their publishing interests. Meetings are on an as-needed basis.