Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

TAA’s Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) was established in 2020 to advise and provide recommendations to the TAA Council on matters affecting representation, opportunities, academic authoring in general and equitable treatment of all TAA members with respect to their TAA benefits.

Formed from Presidential appointees, the Committee advises and provides recommendations to Council on matters affecting representation, opportunities, academic authoring in general, and equitable treatment of all TAA members with respect to their TAA benefits. The Committee works to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the organization at all levels as well as provide information and develop resources that aid members in their own professional endeavors.

The Committee will communicate directly with Council or the membership as we have relevant items to share with you. This space will be the focal point for archiving the work of TAA and the CDEI as we organize and implement actions. This is ongoing, long-term work, so we hope you will check the space from time to time for new developments.

Interested in serving on the Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? Contact us at [email protected]View the DEI Committee Roles & Responsibilities.

The following are links to Statements of Council, work of the Committee, and DEI resources you may find useful as you work toward creating greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in your own professional contexts.

TAA’s DEI Committee Reads Land and Labor Acknowledgement at 2024 Annual Conference

August 15, 2024

CDEI Survey on Diversity & Authoring (currently open)

March 2024

TAA Council Position Statement on the Value of Representation in Textbooks

August 10, 2022

CDEI Town Hall on Identity in Peer Review
Slides & Summary

September 21, 2021

PDF Newsletter article, see page 5: "What is Critical Race Theory..." by Stacie Craft DeFreitas

August 30, 2021

Bibliographic resources from TAA's 2021 Conference: 

"How to Include Diversity & Culture in your...Writing" Stacie Craft DeFreitas

"Inclusion & Diversity in our Textbooks" Shawn Nordell, Laura Frost

June, 2021
Words matter: Guidelines for pronoun usage by Morgan Grant (TAA Blog, Abstract) May 4, 2021
Inclusion means including everyone by Kevin Patton (TAA Blog, Abstract) April 19, 2021
CDEI Progress Report                                                                         February 24, 2021
CDEI Strategic Planning Goals December 17, 2020
TAA Council Statement on Racism June 19, 2020