Workshop | Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar
Presenter: Tara Gray, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, First Director, Teaching Academy, New Mexico State University
Triple your productivity. Write prose that is clearer, better organized, and more compelling. Publish in better journals and get more grants.
Many scholarly writers are educated at the School of Hard Knocks, but it’s not the only school, or even the best. Even when you can’t work harder, there are important ways to work smarter. Much is known about how to become a better, more prolific scholar—and anybody can.
Ninety workshop participants who followed the steps in this program were studied and 95% reported that their writing improved. The average participant also increased the number of manuscripts submitted from two manuscripts per year to nearly six.* And this by writing only 30 minutes per day, four days per week. You can too. These steps will show you how.
Write Daily
1) Write for at least 15–30 minutes daily. 2) Record your minutes spent writing—share records daily.
3) Write informally from the first day of your research project. 4) Outline your manuscript based on an exemplar.
5) Find or write a key sentence for the manuscript and for each paragraph. 6) Make a list of key sentences as an after-the-fact outline.
Get Help
7) Seek informal feedback before peer review. 8) Respond effectively to feedback.
Polish and Publish
9) Read your manuscript out loud. 10) Kick it out the door, and make ’em say, “Yes!”
Every scholar can become more prolific:
Why wait?
What participants say:
“I have adopted the 15 minute model along with other suggestions from Tara Gray. It has been about two weeks and I have hammered out a publication for submission and started the next one.”
“I decided to try these steps on a paper I had been trying to put together for five years. Four weeks later, the paper is out for review.”
“The last two manuscripts I submitted were accepted without revisions! I attribute my success to the steps I learned from Publish & Flourish.”
“Your methods changed my writing life. For the four years before the workshop, I wrote or revised 44 pages a year, but in the four years after, I wrote or revised 220 pages per year—five times as much!”
Tara Gray serves as an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and the first director of the Teaching Academy at New Mexico State University (NMSU). She has published 50 scholarly works, including four books. Tara is the author of Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar. She has been honored at NMSU and nationally with ten awards for teaching or service. Tara has presented her workshops to more than 10,000 scholars at more than 120 venues in 35 states, and in Thailand, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Workshop participants report that Dr. Gray is “spirited, entertaining, and informative—she’s anything but gray!”
To schedule this workshop, please contact Tara Gray directly: (575) 646-1013 or [email protected]